Ormat Geothermal Project

The BLM has approved an EA from Ormat to begin drilling adjacent to Gerlach. Residents of this unique community are deeply concerned for many reasons including impacts on wildlife, recreation access, sound and light pollution, and impacts to the water table. Gerlach also sits atop a series of hot springs. Building in such close proximity to a community is unprecedented and the ramifications are of great concern.
Burning Man LLC has entered into a lawsuit against the BLM in opposition to this project and others have signed on including Friends of Black Rock – High Rock, Friends of Nevada Wilderness, and individual property owners.
This page serves as a resource to learn more about our concerns for this project and how you can take action to Help Save Gerlach.
Project Documents
Final Environmental Assessment, October 2022: https://eplanning.blm.gov/public_projects/2016744/200502175/20068987/250075169/GGEP_FinalEA_FULL_508.pdf

Black Rock Desert Wiki
Updated frequently.
Letters of opposition from various groups and individuals
Friends of Black Rock – High Rock
Friends of Black Rock Join Suit to Address Geothermal Drilling Proposals in Gerlach
Friend of Nevada Wilderness
Reno Gazette Journal
This Is Reno
Nevada Current
Who to contact
Concerned about the Gerlach Geothermal Project? Click here for a linkable contact list.
About geothermal